US onAir Network

US onAir supports US citizens and democracy by bringing together information, experts, organizations, policy makers, and the public to facilitate greater engagement in federal, state, and local politics and more civil, positive discussions and collaborations to better address important issues and governance.

The US onAir network has a national hub at and 50 state hubs e.g. Maryland onAir at

Learn. Discuss. Share. Together!
Your Voice matters – onAir! 

Democracy onAir, a nonpartisan nonprofit is the lead manager and supporter for the US onAir Network of hubs. See this section below for more information on Democracy onAir.

OnAir Post: US onAir Network

Get My onAir

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  • Follow the posts you are interested in;
  • View their latest videos, articles, livestreams, discussions, and more;
  • To enable this feature, Become an onAir member. It’s Free!;
  • All that is required is your first and last name, your email address and your zipcode.  Go the link above to become an onAir member and learn more about your membership.

OnAir Post: Get My onAir

Sponsoring a Hub or Posts

Any organization or business can become a sponsor of this Hub. Sponsors can choose to support the entire organization or state Hub, as well as specific operations, such as a District and all the posts within it, an individual politician Post, or a specific Issue Post. We are particularly interested in sponsoring organizations that seek to support student civic engagement, democratic and civil discourse, and the intersection of technology and government. Foreign owned or affiliated organizations are not permitted to be sponsors of any US onAir Hub.

Hub sponsors will be displayed throughout an onAir Hub and its posts. Hub sponsors will have the option to create their own US onAir post or sponsors can have links to their websites or video.

For further information about sponsoring, contact:

OnAir Post: Sponsoring a Hub or Posts

Purchase an Advocate Post

Individuals and organizations can purchase Advocate Posts.  Advocates will receive specially designated posts that provide advocates with the opportunity to contribute position papers, reviews, videos, and other types of content related to an issue.  Monthly fees for advocate posts will vary depending on whether an individual and on the size of your organization.

Advocates can sign up through an existing organization or individually. Advocate memberships are currently only available upon request.

For further information about acquiring your own post, contact:

OnAir Post: Purchase an Advocate Post

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